Monday, March 1, 2010

You Asked for What?

Text: Luke 17:5-11

Have you ever found yourself envious of another Christian's spiritual life? Maybe this brother or sister always has the right words, the right demeanor, the right response; he or she never seems to be flustered by the unexpected, stands firm in the face of adversity, and just seems to have it all together. And always smiles. Have you ever found yourself asking for that kind of faith?

The text for today shows that even those closest to Jesus recognize that they are so terribly inadequate in terms of faith. Or, maybe it's the case that those closest to Jesus recognize how far they are from the absolute reliance on the Father in heaven when compared to Jesus and his own reliance and confidence in his Father. They, too, asked for more faith. But wait a minute--were not these the same ones who had gone out and healed and cast out demons in the name of Jesus (see Chapter 10)? And they need more faith?

The answer Jesus gives seems rather curious. At first, he responds by telling them how little faith is required to accomplish some very remarkable changes in the world around them. When he follows this statement by referring to the service due from a servant to his master, it seems disconnected, which has opened the passage to many widely ranging interpretations. For our reflection today, let me suggest that Jesus is not chastising his friends for their lack of faith, but might be doing so for the question itself. Faith is not something handed out, for which we get in line. In following the logic of the saying, servants do not ask for blessings or expect favors; they are to obey, trusting that their master will give everything they need when the time comes. To ask for extra faith, first of all, runs counter to the way faith operates; it is built by obedient service. Secondly, if it is viewed as one of the gifts or favors from the Father, it seems to question His apportionment of blessing, when in reality He has promised all we need, both for now and for when our service is complete.

We're familiar with versions of Christianity which promise all sorts of blessings now, whether in terms of finances, health or even spiritual experiences. Let us learn faith through obedience, knowing that God will give us all things in their proper time.

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